A few simple (and FREE) ideas to help through this time of social distancing


Old School

In the age of immediate information via texts and tweets, we might forget about the time honored tradition of one-to-one personal communication. If you grew up with cell phones, personal communication such as a phone call or individual email might seem like a big commitment. For older folks who grew up watching their minutes on a phone call, remember that phone service costs haven’t increased much since the mid 1980s. For parents of kids under 18, this is an opportunity to call, write, or video conference with grandparents. Give it a try!


Reading & Writing for Health

Nowadays there’s a new push toward bibliotherapy. Huh? Yes, it’s really a word. Bibliotherapy is “Book therapy, an age-old and time-tested method for using the power of reading to support better mental health and wellbeing.” Writing can be part of an active self-help bibliotherapy as well! The GoodTherapy website reminds us that “storytelling, creative writing, and reading have long been recognized for their therapeutic potential.” If you’ve ever wanted to write your book… you know the rest.


library online

Expensive online reading and audiobook options are no longer the only game in town. If you own a library card, chances are your library has a virtual reading and listening catalog such as Libby and OverDrive. Check out your library’s main site and see what’s there!


Free movies

Did you know that most modern libraries offer free video streaming? Check out your library’s website and see what’s available in your area. Some give free access to all kinds of educational courses as well.

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MOOC is an acronym for Massive Open Online Course. There are as many subjects and as many courses as anyone could imagine and many of them are FREE!!! There are hundreds of MOOC providers such as Coursera, edX, FutureLearn, Udacity, and there are also multiple MOOC lists to find others. You should NEVER have to input your credit card information.

We realize that simple remedies will not cure any current or potential trauma in the immediate, yet we believe that self-care and interaction with others can help us stay healthy. We hope that you’ll share your own activities and encourage others to do the same! Here’s a photo from a board member’s recent hike.
