A Time for Rest and Recuperation

REST?! Yes, and recuperate.

Every one of our newsletters seems to begin with WOW SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED! And indeed, so much has happened since we last wrote.

But winter signals a time to rest, take stock of the year’s work, and begin to dream about the year to come.

Taking stock of the past three months makes us feel satisfied and hopeful. Seeds planted during the spring and summer have begun to grow and blossom.

During the month of September our alliance grew to include a wonderful Sources of Strength Community project. The CDPHE Office of Suicide Prevention approved the first Western Slope community training project, which we’ve organized in partnership with St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church. (We had been scheduled to launch in November 2021 but ,due to Mesa County’s COVID19 alert, Sources of Strength rescheduled)

During October we said “SEE YOU SOON!” to Janice Curtis, our outgoing president and “WELCOME!” to incoming president Sandra Eisenberg, secretary Caroline Valdez, and to member-at-large Kimberlee Bow. Liliana Flanigan took over as Vice President. Colin Wilhelm and Darrell Kitzman moved to members-at-large.

Resource Navigator

One of the most vexing problems that affects those bereaved by suicide and their helpers is the lack of access to available peer and clinical support resources. Guided by LOSSteam and Pathways focus group direction, Postvention Alliance has begun to develop Colorado Grief Care, a project intended to help responders connect bereaved individuals to peer and clinical grief care in their own communities.

With generous funding from Rocky Mountain Health Foundation, our alliance is fortunate to help with several new Western Slope loss survivor efforts. LOSSteam and Pathways trained peers and clinicians are creating new supports for individuals and families. In addition to decades-long efforts like Heartbeat of Grand Junction and The Compassionate Friends Mesa County Chapter, the new groups are amazing. Creating Connections for Healing meets each 1st & 2nd Wednesdays @ 6pm via Zoom, Junction Ally & Queer Connection organizers are offering support within our local LGBTQI+ community, Action is Safer’s postvention group for peer & clinical caregivers is underway.

Action is also providing on-site healing activities during Mutual Aid. CMU Student Governement leaders sometimes stop by to help out!

A New Crew

Survivor Day was extra special this year. For the past decade Heartbeat of Grand Junction has been a main organizer and driver of International Survivor of Suicide Loss Day supports in Mesa County. On Nov 20, 2021 several new-to-the-movement advocates took the reins. Community Organizers Jeriel Clark, Alicia Huff, and Caleb Ferganchick rocked the walk!

It’s a “we” deal.

Some highlights from the Survivor Day 3K were these fabulous signs along the route. The sun came out just as the event began. Healing activities ruled the event. Attendees and passers by made rock art, created affirmation cards, mixed relaxation glitter jars, and colored resilience focused word shapes. Being together with folks from West Slope Youth Voice, the Alpha Center, Colorado West Pride, Heartbeat GJ, St. Matthew's Episcopal Church Sources of Strength, Canyon View Vineyard Butterfly Project, Transcend and JA&QA, the GJVA, Mesa County 211, the Grand Valley Interfaith Network, and individuals & families from our community was encouraging to all. It was so nice to hear that the GJVA LOSSteam trainees have begun to offer delayed response to military families.

If you’ve never met the Heartbeat people, they are so very special. Heartbeat Grand Junction was organized forty years ago to help survivors absorb the impact of self-inflicted death, to offer comfort of empathy, understanding and to support each other toward a healthy resolution to grief.


Heartbeat GJ’s Outdoor Winter Candlelight Memorial

On Dec 21 @ 7PM, loss survivors will gather next to the south picnic shelter in Sherwood Park for a short greeting, then walk together around the park with lit electric candles, enjoying the camaraderie of sharing and remembering our loved ones. Bring your family or supportive friends. Please RSVP by contacting Heartbeat Grand Junction at gjheartbeat@gmail.com

A note to past LOSSteam and Pathways course attendees. For those who have a desire to help out as immediate or delayed responders in Mesa County, please message the Colorado National Collaborative contact Kari Sewell at kari.sewell@mesacounty.us

EricaPostvention Alliance