Let Youth Lead!

Hello and welcome! Though’s difficult to write an upbeat commentary of summer’s activities in the midst of a global pandemic, many good things happened within our alliance and community. Thanks to the generosity of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - Colorado Chapter, St. Mary’s SCL Health, Western Colorado Community Foundation were able to offer virtual QPR, AFSP Talk Saves Lives, and Harm Reduction 101 trainings to Western Slope community members.

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On Sept 10th - World Suicide Prevention Day - we hosted a virtual walk on Facebook. Folks walked all around the valley (and the world) and some sent in photos & videos.

This fall the alliance will be presenting three community events. First is Healing with Art, Writing, and Movement for Youth a virtual event funded by the Grand Junction Commission on Arts & Culture - which will be posted on the Postvention Alliance website. Filming day (photos below) for the altered book class was super fun. There were 6 youth and 3 parents who participated and a good time was had by all.

After the youth workshop, two internationally acclaimed suicidologists will present a Suicide Survivor Town Hall. After that, on November 21st, we will host International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day - Grand Junction.

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And…. throughout the early winter we get to help out with the Western Colorado Writer’s Forum Rebuilding Community, WRITE NOW! - Community Through Self-Expression - a workshop series funded by the Downtown Grand Junction Creative District and Redline Arts in Society for at-risk youth, caregivers of special needs children, and local veterans. Until next time, as Milton says “please stay safe, be healthy, and take care!”
